How to Gett Rid of Pet Odors from Your House

by Kurt Weber 03/04/2019

Pets are a reasonably common sight in a lot of houses today, with a wide variety of options that can include dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and goldfish. However, these warm and friendly animal companions often come with their own odors, which if left unmanaged may become a tough challenge. However, by following some of the ideas and suggestions listed, you should be able to get rid of pet odors from your home entirely

  • Vacuum Thoroughly. The elimination of any odors must involve the process of vacuuming. It's not uncommon to find pet fur trapped in carpets and furniture around the house, and they need to be gotten rid. Take all the furniture apart, beddings, chair covers, cushion seats, etc., and then vacuum thoroughly. Sprinkle a surplus of baking soda over all the furniture and let them sit for a few hours, and then vacuum once again. The baking soda absorbs all the trapped odor for you.
  • Take Your Stuff Out To The Sunlight. Leave all your furniture, upholstery rugs and any other material that you have got tainted with pet odor, outside in the sunlight. Sunlight is an excellent natural bleaching agent and will help remove any smell trapped within the fibers that the vacuum cleaner couldn't get. It's also a great idea to air out your house for a few days – open up all doors and windows so fresh air and sunlight can make its way home.
  • Find the source of the odors. Before the odors came, the cause of the odors arrived, so find them and get rid of them. Often, the scent may already be worked up into the floors or any other part of the house that cannot be aired. If its dog pee, you'll need to dry it up with paper towels or a mop. When done, you will need to use either a vinegar solution or an enzymatic cleaner to break down the odors. You may also decide you want to go with a professional stain and odor remover to finish the job. Whatever you do, make sure you get a cleaner that is not toxic to the health of your pets to prevent accidents.

Getting rid of pet odors doesn't have to be a big deal, you can easily carry out all these suggestions and have your house selling as good as new. Ask your local pet store for nontoxic cleaners to use at your home.

About the Author

Kurt Weber

Real Estate is rapidly moving to large impersonal sales teams focused on transaction volume. Mine is a concierge philosophy, where I focus on managing a limited number of high touch, hands-on quality transactions that deliver results in a competently personalized way.

I am a long time real estate investor and retired business owner, who brings a professional business perspective and negotiating skills to every transaction.