How To Boost Energy During A Move

by Kurt Weber 10/20/2019

It is hard enough for one to gather energy for the regular daily routine, let alone for something as tiresome as moving. In fact, the thought of moving by yourself can be really draining. From the sorting of items to be packed to unpacking and arranging in the new place, and every other thing in between; moving can be even more frustrating without energy. 

Below are some ways one can boost their energy during a move;

Don't procrastinate

Starting early to prepare will give one enough time to pack or inquire for professional movers. All the time and more time that is needed should be utilized well because of the inevitable "move rush" that comes days to move day. The less time one spends rushing around, the less energy expended. 

Sleep well

With only so many hours in a day, it is easy to forfeit sleep to pack while still getting work done and going about your daily routine. Even though a few hours of sleep may have to be sacrificed to meet up with the workload, getting good sleep even during the chaos and awareness of so much to do, should be prioritized.

Don't skip breakfast

It should be common practice for people to take breakfast, especially on work days. Breakfast provides energy for the first half of the day. Skipping breakfast causes easy fatigue and even dizzy spells, and this would definitely not help in boosting one’s energy level.

Eat right

During the days leading to move day, cooking becomes increasingly tricky with pans, pots, and cutlery packed up in boxes. Living on just fast food will offer the required energy surge, but just before an energy crash. Thus, proper nutrition is a necessity for sustainable energy, so one must find a balance between getting good food, and fast food during this time. An apple along with pizza, for instance, is not a bad idea. 

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is very exhausting, taking a drink of water every few hours can be invigorating, and it can prevent fatigue. Sustained and sustainable energy is what is needed to truly boost one's strength, so stay away from too much caffeine in soda, coffee or even energy drinks because of the inevitable crash, and the whizzing thoughts. Take a snack on chocolates instead, since they have a high energy level. 

Avoid alcohol 

For at least, the period before move day, it's best to save the alcohol for celebrating the move after the move. Drinking only causes drowsiness, a waste of time and depleted energy. 

Take breaks

Stress never helped anyone. Take a break from all the packing, sorting, and disorganization by taking a walk, or a shower but try not to spend too long away from the task. Play some music and sing along, let the music burn the stress away. 

Patience, hard work, and organization are essential in the process of moving from one location to another, but so is energy. Stick to the tips above, and maybe next time, moving won't be so arduous.

About the Author

Kurt Weber

Real Estate is rapidly moving to large impersonal sales teams focused on transaction volume. Mine is a concierge philosophy, where I focus on managing a limited number of high touch, hands-on quality transactions that deliver results in a competently personalized way.

I am a long time real estate investor and retired business owner, who brings a professional business perspective and negotiating skills to every transaction.