Are Cleaning Products Making you Sick?

by Kurt Weber 02/04/2019

Are you concerned about what ingredients are in your cleaning products? If you find yourself getting headaches, sinus infections, or skin rashes, your household cleaning products could be making you sick. Many household cleaning products contain thousands of toxic chemicals that can negatively affect you and your family's health. By switching to products free of toxins, your health can significantly improve.

What’s in your cleaning products?

Many household cleaning lines contain harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, arsenic, phosphates, naphthalene, and parabens. Chemicals like these have been linked to serious health concerns such as cancer, birth defects, allergies, asthma, and infertility. Make the switch to non-toxic cleaning products by checking your cleaning bottles and disposing of anything that presents itself as toxic. Switching to a greener lifestyle will not only improve your health but give yourself peace of mind. Stop worrying about kids and pets accidentally ingesting ingredients that can hurt them. By swapping your current cleaning materials for greener ones, you'll be confident that your family will be safe no matter what.

Greener cleaning.

The first step to getting a greener clean is ridding your household of its current hazardous products. Research your current cleaning ingredients to search for hidden toxins. Switch out your old toxic products for brands that use only natural components such as Honest, Method, and Mrs. Meyers. There are many more brands of green cleaning products, so find the one you like best. 

Make it yourself!

The best way to know what's going in your home is by making your own cleaning products. Use all natural materials such as vinegar, baking soda, castile soap, and peroxide to get a healthier clean. Add these items to a spray bottle for convenient cleaning on the go. Another benefit of going natural is that it's much cheaper. Save your budget potentially hundreds of dollars a year by transitioning to natural ingredients that are probably already in your pantry.

The health difference. 

There are many notable benefits to making the switch to natural household products.

- You can ensure the safety of your children and pets.

- Keep the air you breath free of harmful chemicals.

- Save money.

- Help the environment by keeping your water source free of toxins.

Health is the main reason why you should swap toxic chemicals for safe cleaning products. Start your evaluation of what's in your home today. Ask your neighbors to join your effort to be confident that your water supply is free of harmful chemicals.

About the Author

Kurt Weber

Real Estate is rapidly moving to large impersonal sales teams focused on transaction volume. Mine is a concierge philosophy, where I focus on managing a limited number of high touch, hands-on quality transactions that deliver results in a competently personalized way.

I am a long time real estate investor and retired business owner, who brings a professional business perspective and negotiating skills to every transaction.